While reading along in some of the forums (located here: http://www.ndoherty.com/blog/2007/10/29/coda-slider-11/), I noticed some are wanting an “auto-slide” feature for this thing (great job by the way Niall Doherty).
jQuery(window).bind("load", function() { jQuery("div#slider1").codaSlider() // jQuery("div#slider2").codaSlider() // etc, etc. Beware of cross-linking difficulties if using multiple sliders on one page. //call every __ seconds var autoSlide = setInterval(function() { $("#left-link").click(); }, 10000); });
jQuery(this).before(”<div class=’stripNavL’ id=’stripNavL” + j + “‘><a href=’#’ id=’left-link’>Left</a><\/div>”);
Feel free to check us out here where we may be hosting some cool developments.
Hat's off to Niall Doherty and others who have put their efforts towards this sweet tool.