It’s easy to take for granted that everyone “gets it.” If you’re a Magento expert then this post is beneath you. Move along.
But if you work with clients or users who aren’t at your level of coding genius, you might want to bookmark a couple of resources to make your life easier for when you get questions. Sometimes it’s good to teach the basics so that we’re all on the same page.
Model View Controller
MVC, which stands for “model view controller”, is a common framework for web development. You need to understand MVC to grasp how Magento is put together. Rather than try to fumble my way through an explanation of MVC, I’ve included a couple of good resources below.
MVC Explained
- Nettuts featured a MVC guide for novices last month written by Pablo Pastor
- offers a more in-depth how-to guide for the MVC framework
So why does any of this matter? Magento is feature-rich and complex. Half of setting a store owner up for success involves educating them. Give someone a sophisticated tool without explaining how it works, and they’ll think that it’s junk because it isn’t useful to them. But teach a man to fish…, eh, you get the picture.